Baby Shower Theme Ideas for Baby Girl

baby shower card

Of all the kinds of parties there are, baby showers are pretty much the sweetest. And the cutest. And the most likely to involve impossibly tiny socks. When you're invited to an occasion this happy, you'll definitely want to come prepared—not only with a gift, but also with all your warmest wishes in a baby shower card.

When you go to sign a baby shower card, there's a little added pressure, because your card will likely be read aloud or passed around among guests. And after the shower, it's likely to be keep-saked and read again. But don't sweat it—there are plenty of things you can write that will add to the joy of the occasion. In the tips and ideas that follow, we hope you'll find some inspiration that fits your style just right.

  • Simple Wishes
  • Funny Wishes
  • Focus on the Gift
  • Focus on the Gathering
  • Focus on the Parents-to-Be
  • After Baby Arrives
  • 2nd Baby and Beyond
  • When You Cannot Make It
  • Twins and Multiples
  • Adoption
  • Sharing Quotes
  • Warm Closings

Simple Wishes

Babies are short and sweet, and your baby shower wishes can be, too


  • "So happy for you."
  • "Wishing all the best for you and your baby-to-be."
  • "Wishing you sweet times ahead…"
  • "Can't wait to meet baby!"
  • "Your family is about to get even cuter."
  • "Blessings to baby and you."
  • "Praying for a safe and healthy delivery for both you and baby."

Pro tip: Steal these messages
Many of the same wishes you might write in a baby congratulations card also work well in a baby shower card. Check out this baby congrats article for even more message ideas.

Funny Wishes

If you're someone who likes to joke around, and you know the parents-to-be well, it's fine to go lighter (or even lol funny) with your baby shower message.


  • "Have a nice baby. ☺"
  • "Don't worry. It gets easier after the first 18 years."
  • "Hello, sweet baby days…Bye-bye, big nights out!"
  • "So many exciting changes ahead…Most will be sweet, but some will be stinky and require eight baby wipes and a whole new outfit."
  • "Awww…I can't wait to see what a little-bitty you-guys is going to look like."
  • "Sleep all you can before baby comes. In fact, don't get up for anything short of labor."
  • "Wow, Smith Baby #4! You guys do know what causes them, right?"

Pro tip: Know your audience
You might put your funny writing idea through the Great Grandma Test before you write it in your card. If it's read aloud, is it likely to shock and scandalize Great Grandma? When in doubt, pull it back and tone it down.

Focus on the Gift

Because gifts are such a big part of baby showers, it makes perfect sense that your personal message might refer to your gift in some way.


  • "Be warned: I almost died of cuteness overload when I was wrapping your gift."
  • "So happy to 'shower' you with a few fun things for baby!"
  • "I don't know much about babies, but I hope the gift card will help you buy something you can use."
  • "I think you're going to like what I got you—it's straight from your registry!"
  • "Hoping this gift will come in handy for you. When my kids were little, it was a lifesaver."
  • "Yay! So happy to share in your shower and bring a little something to help you gear up for baby."
  • "We wanted to make sure you get everything you need, so we all chipped in on this. Enjoy!"

Pro Tip: Explain yourself
If your gift happens to be a family heirloom, or if it's handmade with love, it's great to mention that in your card, too.

Focus on the Gathering

It truly is a privilege to celebrate with someone you care about at one of the happiest times in their life. And maybe that's what you really want to express in your baby-shower message.


  • "I'm so happy I could be here to share this exciting time with you."
  • "It means so much to be here with you as you get ready to welcome a precious new life."
  • "Your baby shower is a celebration I wouldn't have missed for the world!"
  • "Blessings to you and your baby-to-be on this happy day."
  • "Thanks for making me part of your special day. Let the shower games begin!"
  • "They say it takes a village. As you look at all the smiling faces surrounding you today, I hope you know that's us. We are your village, and we'll always be here for you as you raise this precious child."

Pro Tip: Call the baby names
Want to call baby something a little cuter than just "baby"? Try one of these: cutie, cutie pie, sweetie, sweetie pie, sweet pea, precious one, little one, little love, little spud, cuddle bug, snuggle bug.

Focus on the Parents-to-Be

A baby shower card is also a great place to encourage and express confidence in the parents-to-be.


  • "You two are going to make wonderful parents!"
  • "Your baby is going to be so blessed to have you."
  • "What a lucky baby, to be born into a family so full of love."
  • "Relax and go with the flow…You're going to be a natural."
  • "You've got all the love and wisdom you need to be an amazing mom."
  • "With two loving dads like you, your baby boy is going to have it all."
  • "Best wishes for this adventure called parenthood. You'll be great!"

Pro tip: Be supportive
Especially for first-time parents, there really is a little nervousness mixed in with the excitement. The more support and enthusiasm you can send their way, the better.

After Baby Arrives

Most of the message ideas so far assume that the shower is happening before baby arrives. But when he or she is already here, it opens up even more possibilities for what you might write…


  • "I've loved seeing all the pictures, but it's so fun to finally be meeting baby Jake today!
  • "See? I knew she'd be adorable."
  • "So excited to be at your shower—and to get in a little baby holding while I'm at it. Your little guy is adorable!"
  • "Love the name you chose! Evelyn Rose—such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
  • "Welcome, sweet baby Jack. So happy to join in your big hello party!"
  • "It's so much fun showering you and little Emma with love today."

Pro Tip: Add insider info
In addition to baby's name, a post-arrival shower means you'll also know the birth date, length, weight, and maybe even who baby looks most like. You might choose to incorporate any of these in your card's message (and/or on a monogrammed gift). New parents will also appreciate some extra help once the baby has arrived. Here's some ideas for things you could do.

2nd Baby and Beyond

Many of the message examples so far are more geared toward first babies, for whom baby showers are a little more common. But you can use your handwritten message to make your shower card more relevant to a family that already has a kiddo or two.


  • "So excited for you and your growing family!"
  • "To Sean, Laura, and big-sister-to-be Maddie—Here's to the new baby boy in your future. He's going to love you so much!"
  • "Your family is about to get even more awesome. Congrats to all of you!"
  • "Best wishes to the whole lucky family. This time around, you'll be baby pros, so you can just focus on enjoying him!"
  • "Well, with the addition of this baby, you're going to be officially outnumbered. Time to switch to zone defense!"
  • "Isn't it amazing how the love just keeps growing?"

Pro Tip: Complement the parenting
Whether first-timers or old hands, parents of newborns watch their worlds become unpredictable and hectic. There's no better time for a reminder that they're doing a great job with their kids.

When You Cannot Make It

A baby shower card is still a good way to be there in thought when you can't be there in person.


  • "I'm so sorry to miss your baby shower, but I'm with you in spirit…and in happy anticipation!"
  • "I wish I could be there celebrating with you today. Thinking warm thoughts for baby and you…"
  • "So bummed I couldn't be at your shower. Post lots of pictures!"
  • "Just wanted to send a little gift and lots of love for your baby shower. Wish I were there with you."
  • "Happy Baby Shower Day! Love you and miss you!"

Pro tip: Leave some things out
If you'd rather not call out the fact that you're not there, then don't even mention it. A simple warm wish will do just fine.

Twins and Multiples

You won't always find a baby shower card specific to expecting multiples. But that's no problem—you can personalize your card for twins and beyond with what you write.


  • "Here's to your babies-to-be!"
  • "A double-dose of baby love! What could be sweeter?"
  • "Twins! Wow! Sending you twice the love and best wishes times two."
  • "It's going to take a lot of gear to outfit THREE babies. I hope this little gift helps!"
  • "Can't wait to help with counting all those fingers and toes."
  • "Good things come in threes!"
  • "Double-cuteness runs in our family. Congrats on keeping the tradition going!"
  • "If Daenerys Targaryen can raise three fire-breathing dragons, then you can totally handle human triplets. So thrilled for you all!"

Pro tip: Be sensitive
Multiple births are more likely to come with health complications for mom and babies. If you need message ideas for a complicated pregnancy or birth, take a look at this article's section on Difficult Circumstances.


With adoption, the way the child becomes part of the family may be different, but the joy is the same, and the same kinds of warm words and happy wishes apply.


  • "This precious little boy was meant for you, and you for him. Warmest congratulations to your beautiful family."
  • "She simply couldn't have picked a better family. Congratulations!"
  • "A new little person. (Excellent choice!)"
  • "Celebrating with you as you welcome this little one into your lives and hearts. Here's to all the wonder that's coming your way. Congratulations!"
  • "I love seeing your dream come true like this. She was definitely worth the wait!"

Pro Tip: Finding the words
For adoption, remember to steer clear of references to giving birth, or to baby inheriting mom's eyes or dad's long legs. If the couple is adopting a toddler or older child, consider bypassing the baby shower cards and going for a general congratulations or a beautiful blank card you know they would love.

Sharing Quotes

Got a favorite quote about babies or parenting? Why not share it when you sign your card?


  • "As you welcome your new baby girl, remember: 'Though, she be but little, she is fierce!' — Shakespeare Can't wait till she arrives!"
  • "'Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.' — Kate Douglas Wiggin So happy for you,"
  • "'Babies are such a nice way to start people.' —Don Herold Congrats on your new little person!"
  • "'Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.' —Shel Silverstein Can't wait to see all your little boy will be!"

Pro tip: Add a quote
You can draw baby and parenting quotations from children's books, poetry, Scripture, songs, movie dialogue, Pinterest and more. You can include your quotation in the body of your written message, or you can write the quote on the blank side or top panel.

Warm Closings

A warm closing before your signature is like the bow on top of your message. Choose one of ours, or come up with one of your own.


  • Warmly,
  • Love,
  • With love,
  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,
  • Much love to you,
  • All my/our love,
  • Love you,
  • Love and cuddles,
  • Hugs and kisses,
  • All the best,
  • Blessings,
  • God bless,
  • Sweet dreams,
  • Happy snuggling,
  • Cootchie-coo,
  • Awwwwww,
  • Overjoyed,
  • Over the moon,
  • Tickled pink,
  • So thrilled,
  • Wishing you sweet times,
  • Rock-a-bye and rock on,
  • Tags:
  • Greeting Card Messages and Ideas

Baby Shower Theme Ideas for Baby Girl


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